Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Jaaaamie baby.

So, last night, it was my Dad's exam treat to take me to go and see Jamie Woon in Bristol and it was faaaabbbb.   Have some pictures, it was very enjoyable and I would completely recommend him; amazing. The picture quality is shit due to the security guards not letting me take my camera in :(

Oh, and I walked past Jamie on the street on the way to the venue while he was on the phone. Absolute babe. And then a guy from the support band walked into me. And one of the crazy girls right at the front insisted on getting Jamie's towel and Jamie was a bit like, uurgh. But he chucked it to them and this funny guy next to us was like, 'They're going to clone you!' It made me laugh. 

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