Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Lady Luckkkkk.
Today was tiring. And I'm starting to feel really ill. I just got back from babysitting and I was really grumpy with the boys 'cos I feel like shitttt. Whoopsy. Sooooo yeah, science was alright. I didn't understand it but Dan was in a weird/annoying/funny mood which made the lesson bearable. Along with Mr Jones' eyes of course <3 Second science was boring and I didn't understand that either. Really looking forward to my science GCSEs!! Break was cold so me and Tom hid in a doorway. Tutorial was rubbish and Mrs Dubost is really rather infuriating. Then I had P.E. Me and Mr Parks are just over. What a fool he is. Nahh, basketball was really funny. Me, Lyd & Deniz got the giggles a fair few times. Even though Denizzle felt illll :( Lunchtime was alreeeeet. PSHE was good, I'm reeeally nearly finished. Need to do my reference page though. Not looking forward to that as I haven't actually written down any of the website references for the last year. Hmm. After having PSHE last lesson, I couldn't deal with going after school too so I just went home. I had a mega Itunes update which is one of my favourite things in the world to do, it makes me soo happy. And I had fishfingers for tea which made me even happier. But then I started feeling ill and all headache-y and sneezy. I just need to go to bed. And the babysitter was late home. I was so close to falling asleep on her sofa. Waterloo Road made me cry. Everything I watch at the minute seems to make me cry! I need to watch some happier things. I'm going to sleeeepies now because I FEEL AWFULLLLL. I'll be fine for tomorrow hopefully, wahoo. 15 days <3
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Better than anyone.
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Tina Turner - Simply the Best
Yeah, can't really imagine people expecting me to love this, I really do. It makes me happyyyy.
Tinaaa <3
Monday, March 28, 2011
Got spring hating on me cos I never sprung.
Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure.
Well I don't really feel guilty about listening to music. Bit of a weird thing to feel guilty about. But if I had to feel guilty about one song it would be,
Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis
Though I still don't really get the 'guilty' thing. Oh well. I definitely read into that a bit much.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
But I'm a million different people from one day to the next.
Nice weekend. Didn't do much. Also failed at doing much work. Jo Wiley's last Radio One show made me cry. As did an episode of One Tree Hill. I watched Inception again, it's still fabulous. I had a really rock music day today, it was good. Tom bought me flowers :) Edie's party was lovely. I rang everyone in Albany's phonebook. Katie & Vell cried. Lydia got ridiculously drunk. Hettie threw her Malibu away because of a police car. We prank called a year 10 boy and pretended to be on a netball trip. Today my brother was rolling round the kitchen on a swivel chair and went head first into the door, I cried with laughter. I had a twister ice cream, it was yummy. My mum got addicted to Ribena with sparkling water. I wore my sunglasses for the first time this year. My dad put his clock 2 hours forward by accident and got very confused, it was funny. He also wore his Muppets t shirt which I love. Red Hot Chilli Peppers are my fave right now. I hope everything's okay at school tomorrow. AND I'VE LOST MY PURSE! Which means I have no money, no bus pass and no identity card thingy which i needed to do my I.T. homework. Blerrrghh.
Night kids.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Did the best that i could, said I'd die for you and I would.

Day 11 - A song from your favourite band
Down goes another one - Mcfly (OBVIOUSLY)
Such an easy choice.
Can't really be bothered to blog tonight, i'm so sleeeepy!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How dare you say there's nothing to me, baby you're the only light I ever saw.
Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Slow dancing in a burning room - John Mayer
One of my favourite songs in the world and the live version is absolutely amazing!
I had a complete John Mayer night last night, beauuuutiful.
P.S. Everything's gone crazy. Why can't people just be friends?!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Superstition ain't the waaay.
So with all the shit going on, I surprisingly had a pretty good day. Everything kicked off last night so half of our friendship group are ignoring each other. I completely understand why everyone seems to be pissed off at everyone else but I'm really trying my hardest not to get involved and stay friends with everybody. It's so much easier. But then I end up with everyone bitching about the rest of the group to me, I guess it's better than hating all of them though. Betrayal is a big deal and I feel so sorry for Anna but then everyone else was only keeping it a secret because Lucy asked them to. Which I understand. If someone asked me to keep a secret then I would. It's just the whole 'behind Anna's back' thing. Really, she should have been the first person to know and Lucy should have told her. It's horrible finding things out for yourself that you should have known first because they're primarily to do with you. But anyway, I completely sympathize with Anna right now, mega love.
I had Geography first and Lyd was being really quiet but then I got her talking about the Lucy scenario and she was fine. Just really worried that Anna would hate her. Art was pretty awkward between a few people but I said I'd go with Rachel to the computer room so that it would be a little bit less awkward. And Han Pin wasn't in to keep me company and eat my food, waa. Don't think Miss was very impressed with the amount of work I've done either. Whoops. Tutorial was boooring and Mrs Hall looked especially Toad-like today. I was absolutely dreading maths because we did an Algebra test on friday and I didn't answer a single question, absolute brain block. But I think Maths was actually my best lesson of the day, it was so funny. I have no one from my friendship group in my class either so I was completely away from all that stress. We got a new seating plan and I'm between Gregg and Sam. I've never really spoken to Gregg before, or only a little bit but we get on really well and he's so nice. Every time Sam turned round, Gregg would hold up a bit of paper saying, 'He is soooo annoying.' It was funnyyy. So we had a nice lesson. Oh, and Sam was annoying me and Gregg just goes, completely out of the blue, 'You're a mean girl, you're a bitch!' To Sam, obviously. That quote pretty much made my day. Calum was really infuriating Mr Mathias so Sir moved him but Calum was refusing to go and so they were having an argument but for some reason were saying 'one' before everything for example Mr Mathias was like 'one thinks you should definitely move.' So Calum just stood up and goes, 'One is extremely pissed off!.' Funny kid. Lunch time was okay, it was Hett, Deniz, Tom and I sat on a table kind of keeping away from everyone else. English went far to slowly and we were put into groups. It was me, Sasha, Will Hepple and Ryan Mackie, not too baaaddd! Apart from Ryan storming out half way through the lesson. That boy has definite anger problems. And Will is so unintentionally funny, it just makes it completely hilarious.
And now I've come home to apple pie and a huge PSHE project.
Later kids <3
I had Geography first and Lyd was being really quiet but then I got her talking about the Lucy scenario and she was fine. Just really worried that Anna would hate her. Art was pretty awkward between a few people but I said I'd go with Rachel to the computer room so that it would be a little bit less awkward. And Han Pin wasn't in to keep me company and eat my food, waa. Don't think Miss was very impressed with the amount of work I've done either. Whoops. Tutorial was boooring and Mrs Hall looked especially Toad-like today. I was absolutely dreading maths because we did an Algebra test on friday and I didn't answer a single question, absolute brain block. But I think Maths was actually my best lesson of the day, it was so funny. I have no one from my friendship group in my class either so I was completely away from all that stress. We got a new seating plan and I'm between Gregg and Sam. I've never really spoken to Gregg before, or only a little bit but we get on really well and he's so nice. Every time Sam turned round, Gregg would hold up a bit of paper saying, 'He is soooo annoying.' It was funnyyy. So we had a nice lesson. Oh, and Sam was annoying me and Gregg just goes, completely out of the blue, 'You're a mean girl, you're a bitch!' To Sam, obviously. That quote pretty much made my day. Calum was really infuriating Mr Mathias so Sir moved him but Calum was refusing to go and so they were having an argument but for some reason were saying 'one' before everything for example Mr Mathias was like 'one thinks you should definitely move.' So Calum just stood up and goes, 'One is extremely pissed off!.' Funny kid. Lunch time was okay, it was Hett, Deniz, Tom and I sat on a table kind of keeping away from everyone else. English went far to slowly and we were put into groups. It was me, Sasha, Will Hepple and Ryan Mackie, not too baaaddd! Apart from Ryan storming out half way through the lesson. That boy has definite anger problems. And Will is so unintentionally funny, it just makes it completely hilarious.
And now I've come home to apple pie and a huge PSHE project.
Later kids <3
Sunday, March 20, 2011
It's close to midnight.
Day 9 - A song you can dance to
Thriller - Michael Jackson
It just makes me think of the dance that they do in '13 going on 30'.
Mega Love for that film and for Jennifer Garner.

Heheheheee, Andy Serkis.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Would the real Slim Shady please stand up.

Day 8 - A song you know all the words to
Mockingbird - Eminem
Loooove this song. And Eminem in general actually. Lyrical geeeenius.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
These are the words i'm never gonna say again.
Today was funny but tiring and i'm really sleepy now so i'm going to attempt to talk about a short version of my day. Art was good, ate lots of food as usual, history was okay, we did coursework and it went quite quickly. Tutorial was pretty good, it was Sophie & Erin's birthday. Two in the same tutor group, wowza. It was also Rachel's birthday and her partaaay is on friday, buzzin. I loved english and i don't even know why. We did a mock exam paper and i really enjoyed it, the weirdo that i am. Soooo yeah. Then i had PE and it was Deniz's turn to be in a bad mood but Mr Parks was wonderful so it was all good. And i talked to Zoe about the Matt thing and she was sooo cute! Me and Anna went to after school PSHE but got bored after about 20 minutes so went for a date. We got to the Lock Inn and Anna's brother and friend were there. Anna made John buy us some chips but then they decided to sit with us for 2 hours. It was admittedly extremely funny. Those boys do come out with some weird things. And Jake decided to post on Tom Wade's facebook, 'Hannah Moss fancies you'. Fabulous. I don't really understand why he did this but it was fairly amusing. So putting up with them two made out evening pretty hilarious but we eventually got bored and went to Victory for an uninterrupted chat on our wall which was nooooice. But my Parma Violets aren't in the tree where i left them, sad times. And i'm so so tired. Sleep times. Oh and i love waterloo road. I'm going to finish this post before 11, wahoooooo! Night kids. <3
Halfway there.
Day 7 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Living on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
Tindall's shed do, need I say more?

Jon Bon Jovi & Rihanna, could there be a better combination?
I think not.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
It was always burning since the world's been turning.
Day 6 - A Song that reminds you of somewhere.
There are so many songs that remind me of places and people but i was going through my ipod and this one stuck out because it was such a funny night.
We didn't start the fire - Billy Joel
Compleeeetely reminds me of Catherine's house before her and Harriet's joint 14th birthday party. Jen and Lydia were belting this song out while they were getting ready.
Oh it was a funny night. The first time that Mike & Jen met! Wooowww, that's weird. And it was snowing. I remember that because Lindsey drove a load of us back to Catherine's and she could only take so many people so Dani, Catherine, Jen and I all walked. And Westerdale in the snow is basically a blizzard in Antarctica but with more sheep. So yeah, faabulous night, seems like ages ago now. Well it was. But seems like a lifetime ago.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Ruth Jayne Wilkinson.

Day 5 - A song that reminds you of someone.
The Bad Touch - The Bloodhound Gang
It reminds me so much of Ruth Wilkinson. Every time I hear it i have a little giggle to myself imagining our year 6 selves living it up to this song on the dance mats and laughing at the 'rude-ness' of it. This was about as hard as i could do on the dance mats, i was so rubbish. I remember David and Jim coming in one day and joining in with us on this song and knowing all the words, funny times. I do miss Rufus. Loads & Loads.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
hey mr carter, tell me where have you been?
fucks sake blog, why do you always decide to delete everything that i write?
Thinking of the day, when you went away, what a life to take.
Day 4 - A song that makes you sad.
I'll be missing you - Puff Daddy & Faith Evans
The fact that it's about Notorious B.I.G makes it even sadder.
Absolutely love Biggie Smalls, R.I.P.

Saturday, March 12, 2011
& nothing's gonna bring me down.
Day 3 - A song that makes you happy.
Has to beeee, Pencil Full of Lead - Paolo Nutini.
Love it, never fails to cheer me up.
Paolo is amaaaaaaaaazing.

Friday, March 11, 2011
Day 2 - Your least favourite song.
The Club is Alive - JLS
Well i have a few but this was the first to come into my mind. the complete rubbish-ness of it just makes me laugh. Deary me, JLS, you may be hot but i really don't like your music.
Ooh and i nearly forgot to mention my hate for ANYTHING by N-Dubz. Eeeergh..
Soooo, today was a pretty crazy day! One of my friends had a massive fight with her boyfriend basically because he's being a complete cock. It was so scary, he was screaming at her and at one point i genuinely thought he was going to hit her. So that was saaad but then tonight just brightened it up compleeetely. It was Alice & Lucy's birthday on wednesday so we went to Bath for a meal tonight and it was so fucking good. One of my best nights in a while. It was so nice to have everyone together. So I went to Rach's after school to get ready then we went to the station with Lyd and Hett. We got there and some guys from our year were there too so we got on the train with themmm. And all round Bath we managed to somehow bump into them. We just wandered round for a bit and went and sat in McDonalds where we met Cludddd. Then we made our way to the restaurant and it was just so lovely! Our waiter was the nicest man in the wooorld. Oh, he brought out surprise birthday cake for Lucy and Alice too. Cuuute. So we finished and started walking to the station and there is something about cities at night that i absoutely looooove. I love cities in general but at night, woowww. It was all empty and pretty and just yummyyy. Me and Deniz skipped. It was nice. We got to the train station and all these random guys came up to us and started taking pictures with us, it was so funny. We all got chatting and they were from Westbury. They called over a policeman and we took some pictures with him, what a dude. They ended up getting on our train and just being generally amusing. The conductor hated us though. Along with PE teachers, Train conductors are all horrible. I love meeting new, completely random people. They took our names and stuff so i'm sure facebook will reunite us. They were a right funny bunch and i swear each of them was originially from a foreign country. There was a south african one, one from Poland, Germany, Russia aaaand..Stoke. Haa, maybe not that exotic.
I am so ready for another party tomorrow night. Buzzin. I'm going to be so dead on sunday.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Down goes another oneeeee.
Today was horrible. Just plain rubbish. First science i don't even know what was wrong with me but i was a right grumpy bitch. Then second science was pretty good until we got our results at the end. i didn't even do particularly badly but it was just the fact that everyone else went on about how easy it was and ended up getting A*'s. Some people got 100% too, fabulous. Bleerggh. Had a little breakdown in PE on Deniz. In fact it wasn't a little breakdown at all, it was pretty huge. Such a stupid thing to cry about as well, i got so angry at myself. Made Amber cry because i cried, haa, whooops. But it made the beauuuutiful teacher very concerned about me which was very nice. He loves me so much, he just won't admit it. The rest of the day was fine, i think i just needed to get it all out. But today was definitely pretty terrible. Luce made my PSHE lesson funny though. She was in one of her weird moods and her laugh is one of the most infectious that i have ever heard! Tomorrow i will just about survive so that i can enjoy my wonderful weekend. Alice & Lucy's birthday meal, Amy's birthday party and loads of high school musical that Tom is being forced into watching with me, mwahaha. babysitting tonight but she already paid me last week for tonight so i'm not getting any money, bad times.
Right, i've decided i want to do this 30 day Song Challenge that seems to be circulating facebook at the moment but i'm going to do it on here instead so that i can write more about the reasons without anyone stressing out at me.
Day 1 - Your Favourite Song
All time favourite song has to beeeee
Andy You're A Star - The Killers.
Never gets old.
I got Hot Fuss when i was like, 10 and it's one of the best albums in the wooorld but this song was always my fave off of it. I love The Killers. Brandon Flowers especially. Just wow.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
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