Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Down goes another oneeeee.

Today was horrible. Just plain rubbish. First science i don't even know what was wrong with me but i was a right grumpy bitch. Then second science was pretty good until we got our results at the end. i didn't even do particularly badly but it was just the fact that everyone else went on about how easy it was and ended up getting A*'s. Some people got 100% too, fabulous. Bleerggh. Had a little breakdown in PE on Deniz. In fact it wasn't a little breakdown at all, it was pretty huge. Such a stupid thing to cry about as well, i got so angry at myself. Made Amber cry because i cried, haa, whooops. But it made the beauuuutiful teacher very concerned about me which was very nice. He loves me so much, he just won't admit it. The rest of the day was fine, i think i just needed to get it all out. But today was definitely pretty terrible. Luce made my PSHE lesson funny though. She was in one of her weird moods and her laugh is one of the most infectious that i have ever heard! Tomorrow i will just about survive so that i can enjoy my wonderful weekend. Alice & Lucy's birthday meal, Amy's birthday party and loads of high school musical that Tom is being forced into watching with me, mwahaha. babysitting tonight but she already paid me last week for tonight so i'm not getting any money, bad times.

Right, i've decided i want to do this 30 day Song Challenge that seems to be circulating facebook at the moment but i'm going to do it on here instead so that i can write more about the reasons without anyone stressing out at me.

Day 1 - Your Favourite Song

All time favourite song has to beeeee
Andy You're A Star - The Killers.
Never gets old.
I got Hot Fuss when i was like, 10 and it's one of the best albums in the wooorld but this song was always my fave off of it. I love The Killers. Brandon Flowers especially. Just wow.

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