Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

i love catch-ups with severely missed people.

Haven't blogged in too long. what's going onnnnnn. but stupidly i've left it too late to write much now. Had a really nice weekend anywaaay, seems like a while ago now but it was a proper good one. it was my little brother's birthday yesterday too which was cute and he is now the grand age of six! we went to this pottery place for his party and he brought 3 of his friends. prettiest group of kids i have ever seen! yeah, so that was fun and then loads of people came round ours for a birthday teeeeea. oh and it was really sunny yesterday and today. makes me automatically happy. yum. it was rachy's birthday at the weekend as well and six of us slept at hers and did crazy amounts of just dance, had a beauuutiful domino's, watched weird films and squidged into double beds. so many disgusting pictures. it was a lovely group as well. so many parties to look forward too!

woww. should be fabbbbulous.
night night kids. x

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