Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I think 'excited' just about sums it up.

So, as the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer came out today, I thought it might be appropriate to have it one here to show my RIDICULOUS EXCITEMENT. This trailer made me cry as well, I think it's just the realisation that when this one's out, there will actually be no more. Crazy crazy crazy. It's going to be so sad. But I am so excited. Hjefbvwekhfbvakebvjruivewiuv!!

And another thing that I'm crazy excited about it The Royal Wedding tomorrow!! I don't even really know why I'm excited but Kate is going to look so beautiful and Will is gorgeous and it's all going to be so pretty and lovely and just aaaawwwwww! I love the Royal Family.  

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