Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Monday, January 31, 2011
i LOVE finding new happy music. yum.
i said i'd blog about my weekend so i will indeed do that! friday night i did fuck aaalll and had one of those nights lying in bed watching films. you need one of those nights once in a while i fink. saturdayyyy i got up at about 1. didn't really do anything. in fact i got so bored that i walked down to the shop to see my mum as she was working there at the time. oh my god oh my god, harry, the shop owners son, is fecking beautiful! he's 22 though. lil bit old. my mum is like bezzies with him and they get on so well, it's adorable. basically, he came into the shop to take over the shift from mummy and he was just chatting to me about normal stufff. then he was going on about how my mum is actually really 'cool'. lolllllll. he said he wants to take her out and get her absolutely smashed. i was lolling to myself. haaa, then mum wanted to buy a lottery ticket but couldn't find any change in her bag. we managed to get to about 60p and then harry was like, 'right, i'm getting out the ruler!' me and mum were like whuuutt. but yeah, he got this ruler and started scraping out all underneath the counter and all the dust and shit was coming out but so was a load of change. it was amazing. and mum found enough to get her a ticket. so basically, my love for harry is massive.
after that i went and got hettlaar and we had a trip to sainsburys to buy yummy things for my shleeeepova. we got back and basically just tidied and made my living room all nice. thennnnnnnn edie and hanhan arrived and we just chillleedd listening to music and shit. then came along ottieeee. and then rachel. which was lovely. we basically just chit chatted! but then katie baaaaailed which i was a bit upset about. then edie said she wasn't staying which was okay because, well basically she never stays anywhere, haa. aaand then ottie said she wasnt staying. i was starting to get a little sad now because 3 people had decided not to stay!! oh well eyy.
so everyone went home at like 12 apart from me, hannah, hett and rach. we had a nice lil sesh by ourselves. and ate waay too much.
sunday, me and hettie just did art aaaaall day. wanted to die! but now it's alllll finished and handed in :D wahoooooooo! just another book to go, yanooo. shit.
and it was funnyyyy :D except all that i can really remember is mr bouquet being an absolute twat face. and i only saw tom for quarter of an hour. and i didn't see him at aaall at the weekend. i kind of miss him! that sounds pretty sad. oh well. i'm in a bad mood. which i wasn't in until last lesson! fooking mr bouquet. he makes me so angry. and then on the bus home everyone ignored me. apart from when they asked if i had any food. greeaaatt, feel so loved. nah, it was okay. i know they didn't mean it. and ottie gave me a big hug when we got off the bus and posted 'love you' on my facebook when i got home. love it when you're in a shitty mood and people do that <3
i shouted at my sister which i felt really bad about :(:( but she's all good now. and mummy's gone to the cinema without meeeeee to see the king's speech. jealous. edie said it was really good.
and i love ruth jayne wilkinson and hettie caitlin parrett with all of my heart. <3
after that i went and got hettlaar and we had a trip to sainsburys to buy yummy things for my shleeeepova. we got back and basically just tidied and made my living room all nice. thennnnnnnn edie and hanhan arrived and we just chillleedd listening to music and shit. then came along ottieeee. and then rachel. which was lovely. we basically just chit chatted! but then katie baaaaailed which i was a bit upset about. then edie said she wasn't staying which was okay because, well basically she never stays anywhere, haa. aaand then ottie said she wasnt staying. i was starting to get a little sad now because 3 people had decided not to stay!! oh well eyy.
so everyone went home at like 12 apart from me, hannah, hett and rach. we had a nice lil sesh by ourselves. and ate waay too much.
sunday, me and hettie just did art aaaaall day. wanted to die! but now it's alllll finished and handed in :D wahoooooooo! just another book to go, yanooo. shit.
and it was funnyyyy :D except all that i can really remember is mr bouquet being an absolute twat face. and i only saw tom for quarter of an hour. and i didn't see him at aaall at the weekend. i kind of miss him! that sounds pretty sad. oh well. i'm in a bad mood. which i wasn't in until last lesson! fooking mr bouquet. he makes me so angry. and then on the bus home everyone ignored me. apart from when they asked if i had any food. greeaaatt, feel so loved. nah, it was okay. i know they didn't mean it. and ottie gave me a big hug when we got off the bus and posted 'love you' on my facebook when i got home. love it when you're in a shitty mood and people do that <3
i shouted at my sister which i felt really bad about :(:( but she's all good now. and mummy's gone to the cinema without meeeeee to see the king's speech. jealous. edie said it was really good.
and i love ruth jayne wilkinson and hettie caitlin parrett with all of my heart. <3
Sunday, January 30, 2011
probably shouldn't be blogging right now.
i'm getting into a really stressed mood and i don't know why i can't motivate myself to do some work! i have to do two geography assessments for tomorrow. i think i might just 'leave them at home.' i also have to finish my art book for tomorrow!!! i have finished my evaluation but i still need to present it and do another artist research and response. AAARRRGHHHHHH!!! Aaaand do a shit load of collecting. and now my printer is being fucking weird and stopped working. and i haven't seen tom this weekend :( but i have had a really lovely last couple of days! which i will blog about later. AFTER i've finished all my work. shit.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
hettie is the best person in the whole entire universe, and i love her to bits, omg so lucky to have her yayyyy, what would i do without her, omg die. shes amazing and just wow. i love her loads
i'm still in bed, yum. and i have the house to myself which means that i have no one coming to tell me to get up or tidy my room or do some work. love that feeling. although i'm in quite a motivated mood right now. today i am going to
-have a shower.
-make myself look reasonably nice.
-tidy my room.
-make downstairs look all nice for tonight.
-do some exercise!!
-make some cake/go buy cake from the shop.
-make sure the living room is WARM enough to sleep in tonight.
having a lil gathering :)
just 6 of my girlies. wahooo, excited. should be fun.
s'later. x
-have a shower.
-make myself look reasonably nice.
-tidy my room.
-make downstairs look all nice for tonight.
-do some exercise!!
-make some cake/go buy cake from the shop.
-make sure the living room is WARM enough to sleep in tonight.
having a lil gathering :)
just 6 of my girlies. wahooo, excited. should be fun.
s'later. x
Thursday, January 27, 2011
i am such a horrible friend/person. why can't everything just be simple? today had such funny times in it as well.
i'm going to write them down to cheer myself up.
first lesson - we were talking about diodes in science and mr jones kept going on about how a diode is 'a component which only lets current flow easily in ONE DIRECTION. lolol. one direction deffo love diodes. wow, one of those had-to-be-there moments i think.
second science - i realised how much fletcher reminds me of a bear. i told him this and he goes, 'is that bad or good? oh dear. a sexy bear?'. me and hett wet ourselves. i love that kid, he's so funny, haaa.
and then fletcher wouldn't share his periodic table with us so hettie said give us your planner or i'll spread rumours about you and tom having anal at the weekend. so we carried this on all through the lesson and it was pretty hilarious!
p.e. - me and deniz just went a lil bit hyper during our aerobics. oh and i hate basketball. and alice kept running into me, hehehee.
p.s.h.e. - patrick was still stoned from the night before and was absolutely mental all lesson. and this massive fly kept attacking billy and it was hilarious. so, pat sits next to this really weird kid who never speaks and pat was being really loud and weird and shouts out 'aarghh, i've got the fly!' and this kid just suddenly stares at pat and goes 'WHUT?!' it was fecking hilarious. me and josh were just sat there in hysterics. oh and josh said i looked like 'one of those gangster women in prison.' but he loves me so it's all good.
just got back from baaabysitting. OMG I LOVE ZACK & CODY SO MUCH. watched it aaall night. <3
i'm going to write them down to cheer myself up.
first lesson - we were talking about diodes in science and mr jones kept going on about how a diode is 'a component which only lets current flow easily in ONE DIRECTION. lolol. one direction deffo love diodes. wow, one of those had-to-be-there moments i think.
second science - i realised how much fletcher reminds me of a bear. i told him this and he goes, 'is that bad or good? oh dear. a sexy bear?'. me and hett wet ourselves. i love that kid, he's so funny, haaa.
and then fletcher wouldn't share his periodic table with us so hettie said give us your planner or i'll spread rumours about you and tom having anal at the weekend. so we carried this on all through the lesson and it was pretty hilarious!
p.e. - me and deniz just went a lil bit hyper during our aerobics. oh and i hate basketball. and alice kept running into me, hehehee.
p.s.h.e. - patrick was still stoned from the night before and was absolutely mental all lesson. and this massive fly kept attacking billy and it was hilarious. so, pat sits next to this really weird kid who never speaks and pat was being really loud and weird and shouts out 'aarghh, i've got the fly!' and this kid just suddenly stares at pat and goes 'WHUT?!' it was fecking hilarious. me and josh were just sat there in hysterics. oh and josh said i looked like 'one of those gangster women in prison.' but he loves me so it's all good.
just got back from baaabysitting. OMG I LOVE ZACK & CODY SO MUCH. watched it aaall night. <3
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
i'm not very good at ranting but i try my best.
well today wasn't all that great really. but i just had a funny little chat with my mum which has cheered me up :) and she looks beautiful today! like, more than usual. she came and recommended some songs to me and i love it when she does that. they are good songs too! i had art first lesson today which kind of ruined my day. people thought i was being grumpy which i wasn't, there just wasn't enough room at the table to sit with them. so they didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. and i really enjoyed being told i was in an 'annoying mood' as well. nice one. i went to my dads tonight so that i could go and have a big chat to my step sister. she is so good for talking to about everything. love her well loads. we've been through pure shit together and now everything has worked out perfectly. and my baby sister was looking exceptionally cute tonight. nearly six months old you gorgeous girlie, helena rose <3 sometimes when friends are being a bit strange, it's very nice to just have some family time. because my family is amazing.
peace. x
peace. x
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
heading to the sky, can't even see down.
such a relief to have my art over and done with! it was a nice change for two days but i don't think i could put up with it for any longer. it's really tired me out as well. ohh man. but i'm fairly pleased with the final result. i'll attempt to get a picture of it tomorrow. nothing else to talk about really! other than my new obsession for the Black Keys. they are faaabbbb. looking forward to a girlie gathering at mine on saturday, wahooo! :) should be laarvely.
right, it is 6.55 and i am seriously debating going to sleep now. absolutely knackeredddd. later kidz x
right, it is 6.55 and i am seriously debating going to sleep now. absolutely knackeredddd. later kidz x
Monday, January 24, 2011
about as much snow as you get in wiltshire.

i love this picture. even though i look weird.
Anna, Hettie, Amy, Alice, Lucy, Me and Samantha (she didn't know the picture was being taken, mwahaha). <3
and now my kingdom awaits.
being human was fabby fabby fab. just in case you were wondering. heheee.
today was sooo good! and now i'm all tucked up in bed watching noice music videos. i love music videos! only good ones though, obv. i just like that they can show the story behind the song, just lovely. haaaa, just chilling, listening to soulja boy. COOL. i have such an urge to do the dance right now.
aaaanyway. i had the first half of my mock art exam today and it was yummmmy. even though i'm sat next to a boy that i didn't even know was in my class. whoopsy. s'alright though 'cause it's not like we're allowed to talk. BUT, as i said yesterday, i get to listen to my ipod for 5 hours, do art (my piece is going surprisingly well!) and eat sweeeeeeeties. same thing tomorrow too! pretty hot. didn't see much of thomas but it was ok :) ott and katie came round after school and we all got into my bed and ate iced gems and watched Seven Pounds. one of the saddest films ever. and will smith is so amazing. cccryyyy. i'm planning on having an early night. hopefully i'll get to bed before 10 for once. that would be nice.
oh, and i have a dilemma. my friends mum started talking to me on facebook last night and she is really worried about her daughter (my friend) because she just broke up with her boyfriend. her mum was asking me to help her but i don't know how! i live too far away to be of any real use and i'm worried about her and want her to be happy again. please cheer up, i love you loads.
later kidz. x
today was sooo good! and now i'm all tucked up in bed watching noice music videos. i love music videos! only good ones though, obv. i just like that they can show the story behind the song, just lovely. haaaa, just chilling, listening to soulja boy. COOL. i have such an urge to do the dance right now.
aaaanyway. i had the first half of my mock art exam today and it was yummmmy. even though i'm sat next to a boy that i didn't even know was in my class. whoopsy. s'alright though 'cause it's not like we're allowed to talk. BUT, as i said yesterday, i get to listen to my ipod for 5 hours, do art (my piece is going surprisingly well!) and eat sweeeeeeeties. same thing tomorrow too! pretty hot. didn't see much of thomas but it was ok :) ott and katie came round after school and we all got into my bed and ate iced gems and watched Seven Pounds. one of the saddest films ever. and will smith is so amazing. cccryyyy. i'm planning on having an early night. hopefully i'll get to bed before 10 for once. that would be nice.
oh, and i have a dilemma. my friends mum started talking to me on facebook last night and she is really worried about her daughter (my friend) because she just broke up with her boyfriend. her mum was asking me to help her but i don't know how! i live too far away to be of any real use and i'm worried about her and want her to be happy again. please cheer up, i love you loads.
later kidz. x
Sunday, January 23, 2011
i get excited for new series' way too much.

it's so amazing. can't wait to see annie, mitchell and george again. how i have missed those guys!
sunday is the best day of the week.
i just ate waaay too many jelly babies and now want to throw up. niiiiice! i'm in a real Basshunter mood, which is strange 'cause i'm not a fan really. but i have met him. mwahaa. and he is fiiine. sooooo, today and yesterday i have basically spent with my best friend and my boyfriend. which was so lovely. hettie came to mine yesterday evening and we just chilled, watched loads of music videos and shizz and then curled up in my bed watching a film. i decided to go to sleep half way through the film so we switched it off but then ended up talking for about 3 hours instead, whooopsy. but it was one of the best talks i've ever had. and then tom came far too early in the morning so i feel like i'm about to faceplant the keyboard any minute now, i am so tired. today was yummy and i just did art all day with hett and tom. well tom didn't, he watched. and doodled actually. i have an art exam tomorrow and i am so excited!!! that's weird. i've never been excited for an exam in my life but tomorrow, i get to sit in a room full of my friends, doing art, listening to music and eating sweeeties :) happy days. and my mummy's making me a yum tea to finish off my sunday perfectly. later kidz. x
p.s. i love catherine groves loads and she shouldn't be sad because she knows that she will always have me and i'm here for random phone calls anytime she would like. everything will be fine. promise. <3
Saturday, January 22, 2011
To Gopher

Hi just Hett here dropping in. Yeah, ok you might be stood the opposite side of the table singing like a wanker to the show must go on and dancing around in your dressing gown, but i've banned you from looking til i've finished. So anyway gopher, we've only been friends for a year, how effing weird. Feels like i've known you for far too long. Alot can happen in a year y'know. We've tripped up to yorkshire, we've been to t4, we've been for Fuerteventura, been to many wild parties (lol wild) where you have thrown up frequently due to overload of mars vodka. I'm not gonna lie, i live at your house, you live at mine, quite cool having two houses really innit m8. I've laughed more with you than I have with anyone else in my whole life (even lizaaaaa, and that's saying something - retarded child) Can't really begin to explain how much you mean to me really doe. But not gonna' get all mushy cause your weird and i'm not. But I just wanna say thanks darling, for actually being amazing and all that. I suppose i couldn't really live without ya. Oh p.s just thought about my dad's suncream procedure on holiday, made me laugh. I think this is coming to an end now... But we neeed to start planning our crazy summer that we've fantasised in chemistry. K, so i'm gonna go and be excited for crying at loads of sad films. Love you minger, (all my pants are dirty)
Friday, January 21, 2011

today was pretty.
so it was just one of those days where nothing particularly exciting happened but everything was good and nice and happy. for once, there were no dilemmas at school, no crying friends or crazy teachers. i was sneaky this morning and made hettie get on the bus first. you see, me, hett and ottie always sit on a 3 seater and if you get on first, you're right next to the window and we all hate it beacuse it feels like you're getting proper left out. for some reason. ha. got to schoool and had maths first thing. not a nice start to the day. i can't do maths. i don't understand why but it just doesn't go into my head! never has and probably never will. great! then i had history which we were just writing up our coursework in. me and alice had a nice little chats. i love our talks in history, she's definitely one of the nicest, most genuine people i know. me, rach and alice went to break together and saw everyone. tom was lovely. although very cold. as a matter of fact, so was i. it was a cold day! tutorial was booooring. although rachel was commenting on how cute me and tom are which made me smile :) then i had english which was fun. i love english. it's the only thing i'm good at. which sounds really depressing but it's true! i'm just average at everything else. i wish i was clever. anyway, me, ottie, sasha, imi, rachel and hannah were in a group. bad idea. we just chatted all lesson. yummyyy. me and claudie went to lunch and chilledddd. she bought half cooked chips which were vile. and i saw tom again. and forced him to walk me to RE, 'cause i'm nice like that...RE was alright. although certain people in that class annoy me super loads. but it's okay because we have the best teacher in the world. mr watkin (L)
later kidz x
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