Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

heading to the sky, can't even see down.

such a relief to have my art over and done with! it was a nice change for two days but i don't think i could put up with it for any longer. it's really tired me out as well. ohh man. but i'm fairly pleased with the final result. i'll attempt to get a picture of it tomorrow. nothing else to talk about really! other than my new obsession for the Black Keys. they are faaabbbb. looking forward to a girlie gathering at mine on saturday, wahooo! :) should be laarvely.

right, it is 6.55 and i am seriously debating going to sleep now. absolutely knackeredddd. later kidz x

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