WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!!!!
That is all.
Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
I really love Made in Chelsea!!
Yes she has annoying teeth but she can sing. It's made me like her a whole lot more.
Day 6.
A photo of a person that you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Either one of these two pleasie.
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Or Noel just to find out what goes on in that crazy crazy mind of his. wonderful man <3 |
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Nowhere left to run.
I just remembered that quite a lot of funny things happened yesterday and I didn't want to forget them therefore I am writing them down.
In History I think I had the most productive revision session ever. Me and Ali M were just in that kind of mood and made funny little puzzles for each other to work out. Hers were a lot better than mine, oh well. We were just in a weird mood and giggled at everything, fun though.
English was just one big laugh. Me, Josh, Claudie and Ryan again. We played spin the bottle, as usual. Josh's fave game. We dared him to go and tell Miss that her hair looked beautiful and then stroke it. He did it, oh my gosh it was so hilarious. Then we watched the rest of the Truman Show and Dylan and Taran pretended to fall asleep on each other, cute. I had PE last and forgot my trainers so me, Louisa, Lauren, Imi and Zoe just went and sat on the field to do a bit of revision. Not much got done and we just chattered really which was lovely.
And then a really rather funny end to my day was on the bus home. These year 7 boys started like jokingly hitting each other and then it turned serious and these guys were smacking each other and pulling each others hair and stuff. It was hilaaarious. And then Jake was just sat there filming it. Funny funny funny.
Today was just one of those awkward days. But I had my last PE lesson EVER. And last lesson with Emily, Rob and Joe (or Joey as I found very amusing). Yep, alright day I suppose.
Physics tomorrow. Kill me. Actually don't. I'll manage. Somehow.
In History I think I had the most productive revision session ever. Me and Ali M were just in that kind of mood and made funny little puzzles for each other to work out. Hers were a lot better than mine, oh well. We were just in a weird mood and giggled at everything, fun though.
English was just one big laugh. Me, Josh, Claudie and Ryan again. We played spin the bottle, as usual. Josh's fave game. We dared him to go and tell Miss that her hair looked beautiful and then stroke it. He did it, oh my gosh it was so hilarious. Then we watched the rest of the Truman Show and Dylan and Taran pretended to fall asleep on each other, cute. I had PE last and forgot my trainers so me, Louisa, Lauren, Imi and Zoe just went and sat on the field to do a bit of revision. Not much got done and we just chattered really which was lovely.
And then a really rather funny end to my day was on the bus home. These year 7 boys started like jokingly hitting each other and then it turned serious and these guys were smacking each other and pulling each others hair and stuff. It was hilaaarious. And then Jake was just sat there filming it. Funny funny funny.
Today was just one of those awkward days. But I had my last PE lesson EVER. And last lesson with Emily, Rob and Joe (or Joey as I found very amusing). Yep, alright day I suppose.
Physics tomorrow. Kill me. Actually don't. I'll manage. Somehow.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 4.
A photo of your favourite night.
Again, I have too many.
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Fuertaventura. I think this was the night when Tom, Oli and Ted all ran home from the restaurant, hid and then jumped out on us. Judi also showed her bike riding skills ;) Fuertaventura <3 |
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Obviously one of my favourites. Purely because I had no idea about it and it was a fab send off. And just an amazing night in general :) |
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Holt Music Fest last year, wahooo! Such a random, crazy night. Absolutely loved it. |
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My cousin's wedding in Edinburgh. This was mine, Ruth's and Jonny's corner that we adopted. I loved having all the family together; it was wonderful. |
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Just such a lovely reunion with everyone. And I saw Dani B who I hadn't seen in a year. Ping pong, Jack Daniels and Whip my Hair. <3 |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Day 3.
A photo of the cast from your favourite show.
(I have far too many)
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Glee. Because it's amazing. |
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Because it is the most hilarious thing in the world. |
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One Tree Hill. Because I never get sick of it. |
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90210. Because they're all so god damn beautiful. |
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Merlin. Colin Morgan. Oh my God. |
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Mcfly on the Wall. Need I say more? |
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Day 2
A photo of you and the person that you've been closest too for
the longest.
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This was summer 2009 and I'd just moved down south but had come up for a visitttt. Met up with Alex, Sam and Jose on this night too :) |
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This was Easter 2011 again at a partaay. Such a hilarious night. |
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Easter 2011 on the way to the cinema in Middlesborough, my first experience of Rosie's driving |
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This just after we got our nails done professionally, it was minttt. Egton show was on this day as well and all I remember was Ed hiding in a shed. |
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A lunchtime at Eskdale where we obviously got the cameras out. Think this was year 9? |
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Just another train journey back from school in either year 7 or 8. I still find Ruth's face hilariousss! |
Ruth Wilkooooooo <3
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Judas is the demon I cling to.
I decided that I felt like a new challenge.
Day 1. A photo of yourself with fifteen facts about you.
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Haha, I love this photo of me; I look so happy and crazy. It was on a day out in Bradford with Lucy and Lyd. Funny funny funny day. |
1. I try to be happy as much as I can and see the positive side of things.
2. I hate arguments. Or knowing that you're going to have an argument. It actually scares me. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
3. My family used to be absolutely mental and super complicated and I hated it but now it's fairly normal in comparison; it's pretty boring. I miss the individuality.
4. I love my friends. And quite genuinely have one of the best groups of friends ever. Wonderful people.
5. I would say that I have three best friends. Like, best friends.
6. I like making people laugh or knowing that you've cheered them up.
7. My favourite things at the moment are: Glee, Fishfingers, Harry Potter, One Tree Hill & Helena Bonham Carter.
8. It only really recently registered with me that Lady Gaga is a real life person. This sounds so stupid. I know that she's real. But yeah, it makes more sense to me. Now I just sound strange.
9. If I'm sad or in a bad mood, I either watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S or Mcfly doing something stupid, they make me laugh so much.
10. I love remembering things that have happened that you had forgotten about. Like something that someone said to you.
11. NME <3
12. Tom is one of the best things that has ever happened to my life and don't really know what I'd do without him.
13. It still makes me genuinely sad that I haven't met a single member of Mcfly yet.
14. I can't stand it when people go on about how much money they have and how they're going to buy practically everything in world. I don't care!
15. I'm happy. And my life is good. Right now, I'm buzzing for a night in with Hett and our Mum's who we're forcing to watch Shutter Island. We're also attempting to get them drunk. ♥
I thought my Laptop had broken and I got all panicky so switched it off for two days in the hope that it would get better and I wouldn't have to tell Mum. But I didn't think to plug it into a different plug socket. So when the hairdryer didn't work, and neither did the radio or the iron or the foodmixer, Mother realised that the plugs downstairs weren't working. Plugged my Laptop in upstairs and boooom, all back to normal! Such a relief, heheee.
Ummm, today was alright. Not anything particularly interesting. Mr Mathias finally agreed to letting me do foundation maths paper in june, fucking yeeeesssss. Buzzing for a C. We had cake in English which was yummy and I sat on Claudie's table for a change with Joshy P and Ryan Carr. Josh is amazing. Enough said.
Me and Hett went to Ott's tonight to do some revision. Absolutely nothing got done. We watched a bit of Love Actually, cooked some Nachos and chilled. Then Hettie went hooome and Me and Ott watched telly and talked about stuff. And then Rob insisted on walking me home, so him and Ott walked with me, babes. And I just got back and I'm shleeeepy but I'll probably end up staying up until about 2 just because I can. Brilliant!
Ps, I hope the world doesn't end tomorrow!!!
Ummm, today was alright. Not anything particularly interesting. Mr Mathias finally agreed to letting me do foundation maths paper in june, fucking yeeeesssss. Buzzing for a C. We had cake in English which was yummy and I sat on Claudie's table for a change with Joshy P and Ryan Carr. Josh is amazing. Enough said.
Me and Hett went to Ott's tonight to do some revision. Absolutely nothing got done. We watched a bit of Love Actually, cooked some Nachos and chilled. Then Hettie went hooome and Me and Ott watched telly and talked about stuff. And then Rob insisted on walking me home, so him and Ott walked with me, babes. And I just got back and I'm shleeeepy but I'll probably end up staying up until about 2 just because I can. Brilliant!
Ps, I hope the world doesn't end tomorrow!!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
I have discovered that exams make me extremely tired and hungry. My revelation for the day. I'm too tired and hungry to write anything else.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sat in bed with Banana Pancakes, a bit of revision here and there, Radio One's Big Weekend on in the background and bluuuuue skies. Saturday ♥
Friday, May 13, 2011
Super Bass!
So my blog was being a bit weird yesterday and I didn't get a chance to talk about my absolutely hilarious day! I can't actually remember much of yesterday apart from PE which was the funniest lesson I've had in so so long. Loads of people were in their Drama exam so there was hardly anyone in our group and the teachers couldn't really be fucked organising us or anything. They just shoved us in the hall with tennis rackets and let us get on with it. Deniz, Lyd and I played against Tansy & Han but we weren't playing seriously or anything. And you know those times when you get the giggles and it literally just doesn't stop? Yeah, that lasted the whole lesson. We ended up playing backwards, on the floor, not being allowed to move, everyone having two rackets each, playing left-handed, multiple tennis balls; everything. Man, it was amazing. Deniz collapsed from laughing a fair few times, I'd turn round and just see her on the floor in tears. Lydia got hit with the ball so many times and we just ended up in fits every time. Absolutely hilarious. And then, what made me and Lyd cry so much, I'd gone onto Tansy's team and Han was being the ball girl. Just as Lyd hit the ball over to us, another girl whose ball had come onto our court, came to get it, she leaned down to pick it up and the ball that Lyd hit, got her straight on the head just as she was standing up. Oh my, it killed us. Just the sound it made, hahahaaaa. So for pretty much the rest of the lesson, Lyd and I just sat on the floor and giggled like lunatics.
Oh yeah, and another thing that cracked me up. Me and Luce were walking to PSHE last lesson and Gregg came and walked with us too. Him and Lucy were on about how he should have come to their family party or something and he was like, 'Ah I was in shitty Wales playing Golf.' And then, no one knew she was there and we just heard this welsh accent go, 'Some say Wales is shit, i think it's bloody lovely!' It was Kayla and the thing is, she actually looks like Nessa from Gavin and Stacey! So so so funny. I kept thinking about it through the day and it just made me laugh megaaa.
Today, what happened today. Not a lot really. Strange lunch time, Claudie was curazzyyy. And it felt like it was our last day today but it wasn't bad times. Me and Sasha wrote an epic piece of english today, we got applauded. Ha, I just remembered something funny from today. We had a briefing last lesson and everyone was sat in the Lecture Theatre. Miss Cooper had just started talking and then about 7 girls walked in late. And then Josh Peacock walked in behind them, and someone just goes, 'Soz!' So funny. Not quite as funny if you don't know who Joshy P is but still pretty amusing. RE was fabby. Did some hardcore revision with Watkinnnnnnn.
Now I'm going to watch Beauty and the Beast with Ruthie and Mum because Mum chickened out of watching Shutter Island. Bad times.
Oh yeah, and another thing that cracked me up. Me and Luce were walking to PSHE last lesson and Gregg came and walked with us too. Him and Lucy were on about how he should have come to their family party or something and he was like, 'Ah I was in shitty Wales playing Golf.' And then, no one knew she was there and we just heard this welsh accent go, 'Some say Wales is shit, i think it's bloody lovely!' It was Kayla and the thing is, she actually looks like Nessa from Gavin and Stacey! So so so funny. I kept thinking about it through the day and it just made me laugh megaaa.
Today, what happened today. Not a lot really. Strange lunch time, Claudie was curazzyyy. And it felt like it was our last day today but it wasn't bad times. Me and Sasha wrote an epic piece of english today, we got applauded. Ha, I just remembered something funny from today. We had a briefing last lesson and everyone was sat in the Lecture Theatre. Miss Cooper had just started talking and then about 7 girls walked in late. And then Josh Peacock walked in behind them, and someone just goes, 'Soz!' So funny. Not quite as funny if you don't know who Joshy P is but still pretty amusing. RE was fabby. Did some hardcore revision with Watkinnnnnnn.
Now I'm going to watch Beauty and the Beast with Ruthie and Mum because Mum chickened out of watching Shutter Island. Bad times.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
Got to keep on walking, on the road to Zion bed.
Had my Finance exam first thing this morning, such a waste of time. I'd better have passed though, that would be a bit embarassing! So that wasn't very interesting. I had Science aftaaaa and we got our mock results. Pretty happy with mine seeing as I did about an hour of revision all together for it and still managed to get my target. Collective worship was quite motivating actually. Sophie and I were just sat there like 'Wow, this woman is inspiring!' It was fuuuunny. Second science dragged on as usual but Dan was extremely amusing today. I got no work done, I'm a bit worried about how little work gets done in Physics. And I'm so bad at it, whoopsy. Lunch was funny; Lyd got pushed off of a bench, I bit Claudie's face and Tom had no knees. And theeeen Geography was alreeeet. Bouquet got us all throwing paper aeroplanes for recreational purposesof course, and then Mr James walked in, massive lol. Got home and did some revision, watched One Tree Hill obviously and am going to try and have an early night, wahoooo :) Nightttttttt x
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Face looks jaded, clothes look faded, keep walking on my friend.
I've had my first really chilled weekend in aaaaages and it was lovely. But went far too fast, that's not unusual though. Friday night was the concert in Trowbridge for Nicole's Goal and I went with Hett, Mia & Edie and then met Lauren, Shannon and Louisa there. There was about 2 people who were actually good but it was all entertaining anyway! Oh, and there was this dance group of boys who were absolutely hilarious; they came on about 4 times and were just fabulous. Two of them dressed up as Beyonce as well which was amusing.
Me and Hett came back to mine and found out there'd been a thunderstorm but we'd missed it because of the concert, guttedddd. I love thunderstorms. So yeah, me and Hettlaaaar snuggled up in bed and just chatted really. Convinced her to watch the next 90210 before it comes out, heheee, what a bad influence. She loved it really. Went to sleep a little bit too late and woke up a little bit too early as usual. Attempted revision and failed. Ate fishfingers in a huge quantity instead. Finally motivated ourselves and then Hett tutored me maths for a bit which was surprisingly fairly understandable! Chilled for a bit longer and then Hettie wandered home so me and Mother sat down for a bit of Sherlock Holmes which I laaav.
And today is Sunday. I revised, tidied my room (hardly) and watched One Tree Hill. Tom came over at abouttttt half 4 and we cooked pastaaaaa, did a bit of revision and chilled. And he got me some flowers and chocolates for our 5 months because he is absolutely amazing. :)
I went to see Maria, my step sister; I wanted to check that she's alright, her boyfriend broke up with her yesterday.They'd been together for a year and 2 months. She's extremely fragile but she will be fine, I love her lots and lots.
That was my chilled weekend! Pretty damn chilled. I'm surprisingly untired but I think I may try and get to sleep now as tomorrow will be my first Monday at school for a month. Night kids.
Thursday, May 05, 2011
It's one of those things that you can't actually quite believe until you see their facebook covered in 'R.I.P's' and how he will never be forgotten. I'm just in so much shock right now. It's not like we were best friends or anything but I met him at a party last year and we talked and spoke a bit on facebook now and then. And now he's gone. Really can't get my head around it. A year older than me. That is ridiculous. Lost for words. Completely.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Honey, you mean HUNKules.
My Art Gcse exam has tired me out and I'm not really sure why as all I have been doing is painting, eating and listening to ma tuuuunes. Got another day of it all again tomorrow, wahoooo. I'm enjoying it. It's a nice break from proper school work. Today was a happy day, the sun was shiiiining and me and Hett enjoyed a crazy 15 minutes on the bus home listening to Scissor Sisters & Pussycat Dolls, haa, it was amazing. Ruthie's getting all hormonal and weird but tonight she was just hyper. Oh, and me and mum went to the shop and Harry was working <3 He is so fabulous. And theeeen, I cooked tea and Ruth threw an apple at me and then we had a wrestling match and then mum's friend walked in, whoops. And mum was drinking beer and tequila which was strange. And Waterloo Road was saaad. I love that program nearly as much as I love One Tree Hill. Which is a LOT. So yeah, yummy day. Have an amazing video. Hercules <3
Monday, May 02, 2011
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Creature Fear.
A motivated day, finally. Started off the day with an hour of chemistry then tidied my room and have been doing art for the past 2 hours. While watching Inception, wow, I really love this film.
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