Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Honey, you mean HUNKules.

My Art Gcse exam has tired me out and I'm not really sure why as all I have been doing is painting, eating and listening to ma tuuuunes. Got another day of it all again tomorrow, wahoooo. I'm enjoying it. It's a nice break from proper school work. Today was a happy day, the sun was shiiiining and me and Hett enjoyed a crazy 15 minutes on the bus home listening to Scissor Sisters & Pussycat Dolls, haa, it was amazing. Ruthie's getting all hormonal and weird but tonight she was just hyper. Oh, and me and mum went to the shop and Harry was working <3 He is so fabulous. And theeeen, I cooked tea and Ruth threw an apple at me and then we had a wrestling match and then mum's friend walked in, whoops. And mum was drinking beer and tequila which was strange. And Waterloo Road was saaad. I love that program nearly as much as I love One Tree Hill. Which is a LOT. So yeah, yummy day. Have an amazing video. Hercules <3

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