Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 4.

A photo of your favourite night.

Again, I have too many.

Fuertaventura. I think this was the night when Tom, Oli and Ted
all ran home from the restaurant, hid and then jumped out
on us. Judi also showed her bike riding skills ;)
Fuertaventura <3

Obviously one of my favourites. Purely because I had
no idea about it and it was a fab send off. And just an amazing
night in general :)

Holt Music Fest last year, wahooo! Such a random,
crazy night. Absolutely loved it. 

My cousin's wedding in Edinburgh. This was mine, Ruth's and Jonny's
corner that we adopted. I loved having all the family
together; it was wonderful.

Just such a lovely reunion with everyone. And I saw Dani
B who I hadn't seen in a year. Ping pong, Jack Daniels and
Whip my Hair. <3

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