Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Super Bass!

So my blog was being a bit weird yesterday and I didn't get a chance to talk about my absolutely hilarious day! I can't actually remember much of yesterday apart from PE which was the funniest lesson I've had in so so long. Loads of people were in their Drama exam so there was hardly anyone in our group and the teachers couldn't really be fucked organising us or anything. They just shoved us in the hall with tennis rackets and let us get on with it. Deniz, Lyd and I played against Tansy & Han but we weren't playing seriously or anything. And you know those times when you get the giggles and it literally just doesn't stop? Yeah, that lasted the whole lesson. We ended up playing backwards, on the floor, not being allowed to move, everyone having two rackets each, playing left-handed, multiple tennis balls; everything. Man, it was amazing. Deniz collapsed from laughing a fair few times, I'd turn round and just see her on the floor in tears. Lydia got hit with the ball so many times and we just ended up in fits every time. Absolutely hilarious. And then, what made me and Lyd cry so much, I'd gone onto Tansy's team and Han was being the ball girl. Just as Lyd hit the ball over to us, another girl whose ball had come onto our court, came to get it, she leaned down to pick it up and the ball that Lyd hit, got her straight on the head just as she was standing up. Oh my, it killed us. Just the sound it made, hahahaaaa. So for pretty much the rest of the lesson, Lyd and I just sat on the floor and giggled like lunatics.
Oh yeah, and another thing that cracked me up. Me and Luce were walking to PSHE last lesson and Gregg came and walked with us too. Him and Lucy were on about how he should have come to their family party or something and he was like, 'Ah I was in shitty Wales playing Golf.' And then, no one knew she was there and we just heard this welsh accent go, 'Some say Wales is shit, i think it's bloody lovely!' It was Kayla and the thing is, she actually looks like Nessa from Gavin and Stacey! So so so funny. I kept thinking about it through the day and it just made me laugh megaaa.
Today, what happened today. Not a lot really. Strange lunch time, Claudie was curazzyyy. And it felt like it was our last day today but it wasn't bad times. Me and Sasha wrote an epic piece of english today, we got applauded. Ha, I just remembered something funny from today. We had a briefing last lesson and everyone was sat in the Lecture Theatre. Miss Cooper had just started talking and then about 7 girls walked in late. And then Josh Peacock walked in behind them, and someone just goes, 'Soz!' So funny. Not quite as funny if you don't know who Joshy P is but still pretty amusing. RE was fabby. Did some hardcore revision with Watkinnnnnnn.
Now I'm going to watch Beauty and the Beast with Ruthie and Mum because Mum chickened out of watching Shutter Island. Bad times.

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