Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Friday, February 04, 2011

she's got the devil in her heart.

not feeling too well at all really. i've had the day off school because i just feel really shitty. blerrrgh. i think it's mainly sleep deprivation that's making me ill. naaat good. so i just caught up on skins, and it just isn't skins anymore! i don't understand what's happened to it! i mean, it's still a good programme but there's been two episodes so far and not even a hint of a kiss in either of them, let alone full on sex! now that is not skins. after watching the latest episode, i had to go and watch my fave one from series 1 to get my fill of real skins. och nooo. no skins character will ever match up to joe dempsie (chris). absolute babe.
my room's a mess right now. and it's making me saaadd. i had better tidy it really but i'm in one of those moods where i can only tidy if i get up and make myself look nice. oh the weirdo that i am.
i was supposed to be going to rach's tonight, just for a couple of hours, but i don't think mum will let me go if i've been ill today, waaa. starting to feel a bit better actually. if i tidy my room she might love me enough to let me go. and 7 o'clock is a long amount of time to get better in. hmm. i really want to go to rachels! i'm going to have a shower and tidy my room and then feel all better and nice. the paracetamol definitely helped too. wahoooo!
laterrr kids x

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