Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

so. much. boredom.

i look forward to weekends aaall through the week and when it actually gets to them, i hardly do anything which is annoying. this weekend i have literally, seen tom and then just stayed in bed. hett came over for a bit earlier which was noice as she's been away all weekend. i went to the shop to see mum at the shop this afternoon purely because i was ridiculously bored. naat good. next weekend i have decided that i'm going to do loooads. maybe. or not. and what's even worse is that because i've hardly done anything this weekend, i should have had loads of time to do work but oh, no, i haven't done ANYTHING. boredness = infuriation. and now i'm going to go and have a shower to waste some more time where i could be doing some work. daaaayum.
later kidz x

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