Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Slow dancing in a burning room.

I've had a lovely day today. really relaxed and yummy. but nice relaxed rather than just laying in bed all day. Tom came round and we just watched lord of the rings. oh and he is definitely the bestest boyfriend in the world. he went and me and ruthie had a nice little chat about her love life which may just be going places. exciting stuuufff. so i read some of Keith Richards' autobigraphy which is amazing and i love him loads, i had teaaaa and then got into the bath. I haven't had a bath in ages so i filled it with bath bombs so it smelt all lovely. mmmmmm. best bath ever. now i feel all refreshed and slightly less tired than i was earlier. although i'm going to have to go to bed soon because i need to get up in the morning and do some work! i thought it would be nice to have a stress-free evening without any school stuff but it means that i have to get up early to do it instead, mehhhh. tomorrow is valentines day and i am quite looking forward to a cinema trip with tom, should be lovely.
night night kids x

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