Socks & Sandals.

Socks & Sandals.
Socks & Sandals.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Until you come back where you belong, it's just another lonely sunday.

caaaan't be bothered. it got to second lesson and i just wanted to fall asleep. didn't help that it was history. why the fuck am i taking it for a level?! i can't really remember anything much from today. i think i was asleep for most of it. maths was boring. couldn't do it. history was boring but alice was lovely. tutorial was boring. english was pretty funny, dylan does the best posh Liverpudlian accent ever. oh, and ryan and katie brown had to read and the two characters they were reading, were in love so katie kept having to tell ryan she loved him. little bit ironic as they had a bit of a 'moment' last friday ;) r.e. was rubbish and went really slowly for once. and mr watkin is definitely losing his charm. ohhh no. but beth was cute. but forgot her mint imperials today, so we're going to have a mint imperial party in p.s.h.e. on thursday. buzzin. oh in case you were wondering, only 10 DAYS until london now!!!!!!!! eeeeeeek :) soooooo, came home. went to bed. as usual. such a boring life. now i'm about to settle down with my sister and watch eclipse. i'm ready for you taylor lautner!
later kids. x

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