i'm in such a mcfly mood. i don't get these moods that often anymore but when i do, i get pretty obsessed. wahooo, i'm going to write down my mcfly story because they are the most amazing men to ever have lived.
okay, so i started getting obsessed with them in about 2008, don't really know the specific time but i went to see them for the first time at the M.E.N. Arena in Manchester with ruth wilkinson, on the 21st of November 2008. we went up there on the train with my mum's best friend celia. all i remember from that journey was trying to fit as many lollies in our mouths as possible. yum times. so we arrived in manchester at about half 5 and went into a massive primark to have a look around. we then had to navigate our way around the trams to get to the arena. i looove cities at night. i've been to manchester late at night since then and there's just something about it! anywhooo, we got the the M.E.N. and just chilled until we were allowed to go in. we went up to our seats and there were these massive screens above us where people could text in to. they said things like 'scream if danny is your favourite!'. so me and rufus had pretty much lost our voices before the gig even began. the support bands came on, they were Avenue and another that i can't remember. so yeah, they were pretty shit. but then mcfly came on, wahoooooo! we sang/screamed our way through it. ooh, and for star girl, they got on this different stage that flew over everyone's head while they were playing on it. it was amazing. mcfly finished with fireworks and everything. the lights came on and i couldn't hear a thing. definitely temporarily deaf. whoopsiee. me, ruth and celia went back to celia's friends house on the outskirts of manchester and stayed the night there which was lovely. then celia put me and ruth on the train back to Middlesbrough, she decided to stay with her friend for a few days. the first time i saw mcfly, heheee, ooft. <3
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